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Axel Foley (Beverly Hills Cop)

Axel Foley (Beverly Hills Cop)

Regular price $36.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $36.00 USD
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“Akwell, Akmel …Foley’s here to see her.” 😂
Beverly Hills Cop is one of my favorite movies and I’ve been wanting to make this hat for ages. I even saw a mockup of it in my Illustrator from 9/2023. It’s leaving Netflix soon so I watched it the other day while making hats and it still holds up. I think it’s genuinely some of his best work and one of my favorite characters. The sound track is top notch and there are a lot of fun cameos. Do yourself a kindness and watch it before it leaves @Netflix if you haven’t seen it in a while or even worse, have never seen it! 😳
I’m excited yet nervous about the new one.
#axelfoley #eddiemurphy #beverlyhillscop #bananainthetailpipe #thisisnotmylocker #isthisthemanthatwreckedthebuffet

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